Who Is the Doctor of Colon Cancer?

 Who Is the Doctor of Colon Cancer?

The American Cancer Society (ACS) estimates that 104,270 new cases of colon cancer and 45,230 new cases of rectal cancer will be diagnosed in the United States.

Colorectal cancer is the third most frequent cancer in India, as well as the second leading cause of cancer-related fatalities.

The rate of occurrence varies from country to country. It is more common in countries with a higher economic position, but according to a 2021 analysis, it is less common in countries with lower economic standing. It is also more likely to impact people with a low income, according to Trusted Source.


In the early stages of colorectal cancer, there may be no symptoms. If this is the case, they may include Source you can trust:

·         bowel habits have changed

·        a feeling that the intestine does not empty properly blood in feces that makes it look dark brown or black bright red blood from the rectum abdominal pain and bloating feeling full, even if it has been a long time since a meal

·         weariness or exhaustion

·         unexplained Anemia due to weight loss

If a doctor notice signs of anemia during a normal physical examination, they may recommend colorectal cancer screening. Others are diagnosed as a result of routine screening. Around 40% of persons with this type of cancer are diagnosed when the disease is still in its early stages, according to Trusted Source.

Treatment –

Treatment will be determined by a number of things. These are some of them:

The size and location of tumors, as well as cancer's stage and if it is recurring, as well as the person's overall health

Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery are all alternatives for treatment. Palliative care can help patients cope with symptoms like pain and enhance their overall quality of life.

1.      Surgery – Colorectal cancer that is localized to the colon is treated primarily with surgery. Its goal is to remove cancerous tissue, including tumors and lymph nodes in the surrounding area, and prevent cancer from spreading. The surgeon normally sews the gut back together, but a stoma and colostomy bag may be required for drainage. Surgery may be able to eliminate all evidence of cancer in its early stages. Surgery cannot stop cancer from progressing in its later stages, but it can help relieve symptoms by eliminating a blockage.

2.      Chemotherapy - Chemotherapy medications are used to kill cancer cells. Cancerous cells are found all over the body, according to a reliable source. This could aid in the treatment of colon cancer or the reduction of a tumor prior to surgery. In the later phases, it can also assist ease discomfort. However, because it targets both malignant and healthy cells, this technique has the potential to cause broad harm.

3.      Therapy that is specific to the patient - This entails taking medications that inhibit or slow the growth of particular proteins. Cancerous cells from a reliable source. Because these medications selectively target certain cells, the side effects are frequently milder than those of chemotherapy.

4.    Ablation - Ablation is the process of destroying a tumor without removing it by employing microwaves, radiofrequency, ethanol, or cryosurgery. A probe or needle is used to provide the therapy, which is guided by ultrasonography or CT scans.


End-of-life and palliative care

Colorectal cancer cannot be cured if it spreads to organs other than the colon and progresses to stage 4. Other possibilities include:

·         a procedure to clear a blockage

·         To shrink tumors, radiation treatment or chemotherapy are used

·         a pain reliever

·         treatment for medication adverse effects

·         counseling

Meet the best Doctor for Colon Treatment – Dr. Prajesh Bhuta.



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