
Showing posts with the label anal fistula diagnosis

Who Is the Best Doctor for Fistula?

Who Is the Best Doctor for Fistula?   An infected tunnel forms between the skin and the muscle hole at the end of the digestive tract, which is known as an anal fistula (anus). An abscess forms as a result of the infection, which drains spontaneously or surgically via the skin adjacent to the anus. The fistula connects to the diseased gland by forming a tunnel beneath the skin. What is Anal Fistula?  An anal fistula is a type of fistula that connects the lower and upper parts of the body. An anal fistula is a tiny tunnel that runs from an abscess, or diseased cavity in the anus, to a skin hole around the anus. Feces are evacuated from the body through the anus, which is an external aperture. A number of tiny glands produce mucus just inside the anus. These glands can become clogged and infected, resulting in an abscess on rare occasions. A fistula can develop in about half of these abscesses. Anal fistulas are caused by a variety of factors - ·      ...